
Wednesday 29 September 2021

The Travel to NZ

  The Travel to NZ

“Ok class, settle down!”  said Miss Phillips “today we are learning about the long white cloud also known as New Zealand” as Miss Phillips was teaching a thought that came to Becky’s mind Becky is a curious girl who loved to travel  even by herself. 

After class she grabbed her best friend Alex and asked him “Alex do you want to go to NZ” Alex replied “Sure but when?” “Tomorrow in the morning” Becky said “meet me at the docks tomorrow 8:00 DON’T BE LATE” Becky commanded as she walked away. “BEEP BEEP BEEP” went Alex’s alarm clock. He got ready to meet Becky and jumped on his bike and raced to the docks. He saw Becky with tickets to go to New Zealand “COME ON WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR” Becky yelled.

They got their stuff and boarded the ship as the ship departed Alex started regretting what he was doing “so how long are we in New Zealand for?” Alex asked “probably for a day or two’’said Becky confidently  “ok at least it is not more than a week”  Alex said.     

CRASH BANG CRASH went the thunder and lighting Becky woke up in a hurry she rushed outside and she saw the boat going up and down roughly BOOM went the thunder.  BANG all of a sudden Becky could feel a cold liquid feeling underneath her feet she looked under and there was a hole in the boat she went to wake up Alex. “WAKE UP ALEX WE HAVE TO GO” “what huh?” went Alex  tiredly “THE BOAT IS SINKING WE HAVE TO GO” replied Becky in a rush Alex grabbed his and Becky’s stuff “COME ON”

Went Alex while he was running outside. 

“Look for the emergency boat” They both said together “I found it Alex” said Becky “Help me put it in the water’’ Alex grabbed the paddles they both jumped in and used the paddles and  paddled away. They paddled for hours and hours until the saw a long white cloud “there is New Zealand” Alex said “YAY WE MADE IT” said Becky happily the paddled faster and faster they pulled their wooden boat onto the golden soft beach “New Zealand finally here” said Becky while looking at the green trees.

The End

Books I Read this tearm


Morning Bloggers,
This is a template of books I read this term
Have a great day

Monday 6 September 2021

Screencastify on my Speech


Kia ora bloggers 
Here is me saying my speech about Should kids be able to bring a cellphone to school 
Have a nice day