
Thursday 26 August 2021



  1. Talofa Luisapeta,
    You are so right about being isolated from friends and colleagues. A pest control serviceman came to our house today and when I answered the door, we had a long conversation (at a safe distance) ... I could tell we both enjoyed talking to someone different. I realised, a good thing about Lockdown is it helps us appreciate one another beyond our normal bubbles more, and also provides an opportunity to acknowledge those who quietly get on with their work without often being seen, doing it.
    Stay well in your bubble and kind regards to you and your whanau.

  2. Hi Luisapeta. It was good to see your reasons of good and bad about covid. The picture of the prison cell with a key in the lock was a good picture, it shows that we are locked up but the key shows us that we can get out, and we will. The covid picture adds colour although on my screen it is over your good reasons so I can't read it all. I too miss my friends and family. It is good that we have video calls now. Remember 'Stay cool till after lockdown" ;)


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