
Monday 6 September 2021

Screencastify on my Speech


Kia ora bloggers 
Here is me saying my speech about Should kids be able to bring a cellphone to school 
Have a nice day 


  1. Mīharo, amazing work Luisapeta! I love how you made good "eye contact" with your audience and spoke clearly. One thing you could work on next time would be to practise your speech more before you present it. This is a persuasive speech, well done.

  2. Kia Ora Luisapeta. Wow, the confidence you have is admirable! Great life skill to have, I agree with many things you have said here, your reasons are valid. Tik tok account hijacking would be a disaster and it would be costly to lose your mobile device. See you back at school soon!! Keep up the good work!!

  3. Hi Luisapeta. It was so good to see your beautiful face. I agree that cell phones are best left at home. They are also a big distraction. You looked so confident in front of the camera. How did you do it away from your siblings? Hope to see you soon.

  4. Great work, Luisapeta. Very convincing speech. If I had school-aged kids of my own, I would never let them, after listening to you, to take a cellphone to school. You should consider a career in politics, you might be our next prime-minister.


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