
Tuesday 24 November 2020

Text Analysis

 Kia ora Bloggers in my class we are learning to analysis texts and look at how authors create mood and atmosphere by using language features, here is our screen cast I created with Ana I hope you like it 

  Here is our slides 

Monday 23 November 2020

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Our Screencastify of Programming a Robot

 Kia ora Bloggers This is our screencastify on Robotics. 

Soloia, Ana and I have completed a Task Nane our robotics teacher told us to complete. 

It may have token us a while to complete it but we did  🙂 Hope you like it 🤗


Friday 6 November 2020

My creative writing

 Kia ora bloggers in my class we have been learning about mood and atmosphere and today I wrote a story about a boy named Jon and how he lost his tee-shirt hope you like it.     

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Monday 2 November 2020

Stardom Trip Screencatify

 Kia or bloggers here is my screencastify on our stsrdom trip hope you like it bye.

Stardom Trip

 Kia ora bloggers here is my inqury I worked Jasmine,Ana Maia and Tiannah. I hope you like it