
Tuesday 24 August 2021

My speech

 Should kids be able to bring a cellphone to school? 

Should kids be able to bring a cellphone to school? My opinion is no because 1 the kids could lose the cellphone 2 it could be stolen by another kid at school 3 the kids could damage the cellphone and waste his or her parents money.

Reason 1

the kids could lose the cellphone When you lose your phone then you lost it you won’t find it. If you lose the cell phone someone might find it and if you don’t have a password then the person who found you phone might hack your account 

Reason 2  

it could be stolen by another kid at school 

he or she loses the cell phone. You don’t know if someone stole it or you lost it. You could go and blame someone even though it was not them and can cause a lot of trouble like fighting online involving your parents and teachers. 

Reason 3

 the kids could damage the cellphone and waste his or her parents' money.

If he or she damages the phone  then you waste their parents' money and hard work on saving up to buy that phone for you. It would be very disappointing if you came home and told your parents you lost your 2,000 dollar phone.

In conclusion I think kids should not bring their phone to school because they might lose it, someone might steal it or they could damage the phone and waste the parents money. Would you let your kid bring their phone to school? 

1 comment:

  1. Tena koe Luisapeta, its Ruqayat from your class. I really like you persuasive writing. I think this a really good and interesting topic you writing about.I also think you did a good job using emotive language and rhetorical questions. Keep up the good work.

    Yours truly


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