
Tuesday 18 August 2020

Pen Pal Letter

Kia ora bloggers here is my pen pal letter for my writing this week

Dear: Pen Pal

  My name is Luisapeta I am  nine  and I go to Edmund Hillary School I have 
4 siblings and 3 adults and I love to play netball and basketball.My friends are
Soloia,Tina,Victoria,Tiannah and Ana who are your friends?.I also love art and I
want to be a Police I as a job.What do you want to be when you grow up? My teacher is
Manpreet and in my class we have a teacher aid called Brocna. Do you have a teacher

Hope I hear from you soon bye.


  1. Kia ora Luisapeta,

    Nice letter Luisa. When you copy paste from a doc to your blog remember you have to do the spacing. I will show you today at our 2pm meet. Great start with your letter to your pen pal.

    1. Hi Manpreet,
      I just finished doing that I keep on forgetting to preview it though.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog


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